MinImpact - a Interreg Aurora project
The MinImpact project will build best practices regarding the handling of environmentally hazardous sulfidic soils and via the projects cross-border network use a mutual transfer of knowledge between the partners and the target group, i.e., permit-granting and supervisory authorities, consultants, municipal urban planning offices, landfill management companies and national transport authorities.
FUNDERS: Interreg Aurora, Regional Council of Lapland, Region Norrbotten, Region Västerbotten.
PROJECT TIME: 2023-10-01 – 2026-09-30
PROJECT OWNER: Novia University of Applied Sciences.
PROJECT PARTNERS: Luleå University of Technology, Dåva Deponi och Avfallscenter i Umeå AB and Linnaeus University.
The project activities consist of field experiments with complementary laboratory experiments, where management techniques of sulfidic soils under waterlogged and drained conditions and with different amendments are investigated in order to enhance the existing knowledge base. The project will result in a report on best practices to support authorities and contractors during the permitting process to allow a local and resource efficient management of the excavated soil.
Project news and events
2024-12-04 / Steering group meeting
Steering group meeting via Teams
2024-11-25 / Project meeting
Project meeting via Teams
2024-10-21 / Project meeting
Project meeting via Teams
2024-10-01 / Soil sampling at Dåva DAC
WP1 sampling of soil from an old landfill at Dåva DAC.
2024-09-23 / Project meeting
Project meeting via Teams
2024-09-03&04 / Final sampling of field boxes
WP2 final sampling of the field boxes from the previous STASIS project.
2024-08-26 / Presentation at ECSMGE24 conference
Alaleh Ziagharib presented data collected from Dåva DAC at the XVIII European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering in Lisbon, Portugal.
More information about the presentation at ECSMGE24 conference.
2024-08-26 / Project meeting
Project meeting via Teams
2024-08-20 / Mesocosm sampling
We did the second round of water sampling from the WP1 Mesocosm field experiment in Vasa, Finland. More information about the previous sampling round.
2024-06-17&18 / Meetings in Umeå
The project members got together in Umeå for a project meeting and steering group meeting. The following day we sampled sulfidic soils at Dåva DAC.
2024-05-21 / Mesocosm sampling
WP2 sampling of water from Mesocosm field experiment in Vasa, Finland.
2024-05-20 / Project meeting
Project meeting via Teams
2024-05-07 / Sampling of field boxes
WP2 sampling of water from field box experiment that was started in previous STASIS project in Vasa, Finland.
2024-04-15 / Project meeting
Project meeting via Teams
2024-03-11 / Project meeting
Project meeting via Teams
2024-01-24&25 / Kick-off meeting
The kick-off meeting for the project will be held at Linnaeus University in Kalmar, Sweden, and online via Teams. Steering group meeting will be held on the 24.1.2024.
2023-11-30 / Project meeting
Project meeting via Teams
2023-10-24 / Mesocosm experiment started
WP1 Mesocosm field experiment began at the Risöfladan experimental field in Vasa, Finland.
More information about the start of the mesocosm experiment.
2023-10-04 / Project meeting
Project meeting via Teams